Sold! Two speculative poems to Grievous Angel.

I’m happy to say that I sold a speculative haiku and a speculative tanka to Grievous Angel, a new imprint of

There was a quick turn-around time on these, and the editor, Charles Christian, seemed personable when I queried about a few unclear points in the guidelines (since updated), so I’d definitely recommend sending him some speculative poems if you’ve got ’em! Payment is $1 per line, with a $5 minimum. (Also 6 cents per word for flash, $20 minimum.)

I’m told my two poems will run some time this week, so that’s a plus as well.

Published fiction: “An Endless Vibrato” in Specklit

Another 100-word story of mine is out today, this one in Specklit, a market which publishes only 100-word stories.

This one is about Mars and not being able to let go.

Here’s a teaser:

The long, slow, Mars-bound transit is steel corridors and dim lights, unwashed bodies and grim, silent faces. It is hope, desperation, and apathy all packed in together.

Specklit is free to read, so head on over now if you want to read the rest: “An Endless Vibrato,” by Stewart C Baker

Published Tanka: Bamboo Hut

I have three tanka in the May issue of Bamboo Hut, an online tanka magazine. I’m not entirely sure when it went live, and don’t think I ever received an acceptance e-mail, but they are nonetheless there.

Like MoonGarlic, the haiku journal I mentioned last week, this one uses Camaléo, which is kind of weird. Hit the “full screen” button to make the embedded widget a usable size.

Published Story Alert! “After the Ascension” in Plasma Frequency

My 100-word story, “After the Ascension,” is in the April/May issue of Plasma Frequency magazine.

In lieu of a summary, here’s a very brief teaser:

When they turned off the gravity, everything went to hell.

The first few days, people kept trying to disprove reality—pulling themselves off ceilings, clambering out of windows, catapulting up into the air until their screams faded into nothing.

You can purchase a copy of the issue from the Plasma Frequency website in print or as an ebook, if you’re so enclined.

Welcome to Infomancy

Welcome to, the website of librarian, speculative fiction author, and haikuist Stewart C Baker.

If you’d like to browse around my published fiction and poetry (much of which is free to read on external sites), check the relevant links in the menu to see a list of each. These days I mostly write fiction.

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